Love Stories Project - Jennifer

April 28, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Love comes in many forms. To love is part of our humanity. Being open to love takes trust, exposing our vulnerabilities, giving of ourselves, wanting the best for others. The "Love Stories" so far have been about families - parents, children, grandparents but today's story comes from Jennifer, a single woman who shares a slightly different perspective. Thank you Jennifer for sharing your story and participating in this project.

What is love to me? Accepting others as they are, showing kindness and respect and trying to understand the differences between individuals. Learning and growing by knowing each other and giving joy and support to each other.Love Story Project


I see these other folks that generously told their beautiful stories about their families and their partners for this project and that is love we can admire.

Right now, I am single. I have had a few serious long term relationships that ended as they sometimes do, not in death but for other, various reasons, someone moves away, a couple drifts apart, someone makes a decision to move on.

I have found that I need to keep an open mind as to how the universe sends love to me, because it's not always in a person I expect. A lot of people in this world are currently single as I am and what some may not realize is that single folks love, and feel loved in abundance. A relationship is a success if it brought joy and kindness to both/all people involved. Some are short term, lasting only a few months, others last years and I value all of them for what I gave someone else and what I have learned and received from them. I love and am loved by family, friends and romantic partners. Each person I love makes me a better person and I am grateful for them all.

What is love to me? Accepting others as they are, showing kindness and respect and trying to understand the differences between individuals. Learning and growing by knowing each other and giving joy and support to each other.

What is love to me? Accepting others as they are, showing kindness and respect and trying to understand the differences between individuals. Learning and growing by knowing each other and giving joy and support to each other.Love Story Project



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