Light in the Darkness

January 02, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

2020 was an incredibly hard one for everyone. Many of us experienced emotionally dark times. By the beginning of December, I longed for something to lift my spirits. I noticed an advertisement for the U of A Botanical Gardens luminaria. They listed all the protocols initiated to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and I felt confident that we could attend the event without placing ourselves in danger. I booked online and eagerly awaited for the date to arrive.

My husband, Gene, and I picked up my son Kyle from his apartment. In the close quarters of the truck we wore our masks as we drove to Devon for our designated entry time. At the gate, we were given paper stars so we could "Wish Upon a Star". We each scribbled our wish down so we could hang our stars on the Wishing Tree.

The moment we entered, we could see twinkling lights as far as the eye could see. The path to the Aga Khan Garden was lined with star lanterns and above were dozens of fairy lights. It felt quite magical. As we entered the Garden we found the Wishing Tree and took a moment to close our eyes, make our wish, and hang our paper stars. Inside the garden was the "Tree of Life", a fairy village, woodland creatures, and a beautiful Snow Sprite dressed all in white and silver. Can you guess what we wished for? Mine was to see and hug my children who we had only seen via Zoom calls since the shutdowns occurred.

Star Lanterns Fairy House Fairy House Snow Sprite Woodland Creatures Woodland Creatures

A Kaleidoscope of Colour on the Snow Tree of Life

It was such a mild night we could take our time without freezing. Eventually we returned to the central entrance. We checked out the miniature village, stopped to have our photographs taken in the arch before we continued to the Kiromoto Japanese Garden. On our way, we met some other mythical winter characters. I could feel my mood improving, my step getting lighter, my heart feeling full of gratitude. Most people either wore masks or kept their distance and for the time we were there, I managed to let all the worry about the pandemic go. I felt marvelous.

Part of the Miniature Village Kyle, Gene and I in the Archway One of the Mythical Winter Characters One of the Mythical Winter Characters

Entering the Kurimoto Japanese Garden all the paths were visible as they were edged with dozens of small flickering luminary bags. The sound of carollers floated on the breeze across the garden. We began walking toward the sound. Along the way, an inviting alcove with dancing lights and hanging lanterns enticed us to enter. A little further along we discovered the location of the harmonic a capella music. Four costumed women stood (wearing masks) on an embankment in the snow. We stood listening for a while before continuing to a fire where visitors could warm themselves.

Entering the Kirimoto Japanese Garden Inside the Kirimoto Japanese Garden Alcove with White Lanterns and Dancing Lights Carollers Warming Fire

On the last leg of our tour, we came to Memory Lane. There, we were provided with candles and luminary bags to place in memory of a loved ones. A volunteer accompanied us to an appropriate spot along the path and then left us in privacy to pay tribute to our loved ones. Kyle wanted to remember his dad and Sam, our dog. We paused and reminisced some of the happy times experienced with them. Then in silence we moved toward the exit.  

The Entrance to Memory Lane Memory Lane The Exit

The experiences of the evening had lifted my spirits and reminded me that all the months of struggle this past year were worth it. Joy does exist in this world despite the challenges. It was a positive start to the Christmas season and set the tone for the rest of the month.


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