Mini Happy Adventures - Terry Fox

September 20, 2018  •  1 Comment

It's approaching the time of year where many schools hold a Terry Fox Run. My hope is that until we beat cancer, these and other such fund raising events will continue. I remember watching him on his Marathon of Hope, and wondered how on earth he did it. No matter what the weather, he ran, with one leg amputated, using a prosthetic, for many miles each day. After driving the distance he ran, I am even more amazed.

While in St. John's, Newfoundland, I visited the waterfront Terry Fox Memorial site. His story is amazing and heartbreaking but the difference he made in our world is incredible. You can read more about his story here.

After driving from there to the Terry Fox Memorial in Thunder Bay (where he was forced to end his marathon due to the return of cancer), I cannot fathom how this young man kept running. It is beyond my comprehension. I am so glad that the Terry Fox Foundation continues to be very active in raising funds.

Their Mission:

To maintain the vision and principles of Terry Fox while raising money for cancer research through the annual Terry Fox Run, Terry Fox School Run, as well as via memoriam donations and planned giving.

I am posting this with the hope that folks encourage schools to participate on September 28, 2018, or at least plan for next years an annual event. All these years after Terry Fox bravely started this quest, we still haven't found a cure. I lost my husband to cancer 10 years ago, I'm sure there isn't one family untouched by this terrible disease.

As Terry said: “I’m not a dreamer, and I’m not saying this will initiate any kind of definitive answer or cure to cancer, but I believe in miracles. I have to.”

Terry Fox StatueTerry Fox Statue in St. John's, Newfoundland A brief summary about Terry FoxIn St. John's at the Terry Fox Memorial Mile 0 marker for the Marathon of HopeIn St. John's at the Terry Fox Memorial Terry Fox Statue in St. John's, NewfoundlandIn St. John's at the Terry Fox Memorial"I just wish people would realize that anything's possible if you try, dreams are made if people try. Thunder Bay Terry Fox MemorialMarathon of Hope MapAfter driving this distance in my Mini Cooper, I cannot comprehend how he ran that distance. Thunder Bay Memorial to Terry FoxTerry Fox Statue in Thunder Bay View over Thunder BayThe magnificent view from the Terry Fox Memorial in Thunder BayThe majesty of this view seemed to pay a special tribute to Terry's accomplishments. Terry Fox Statue, Thunder Bay.A View to RememberI sat in quiet contemplation on one of the benches close to the statue of Terry Fox in Thunder Bay. I was overwhelmed by the courage he embodied. I'm so glad I took the time to drive off the highway and see this.


Susan Burke(non-registered)
My dear sister who we lost at the age of 16 was a fan of Terry Fox. She kept memorabilia of him when he started his run in St. John's. As a man who had strength beyond anything I could imagine, he will always have an extra special place in my heart, because of this and her love for him.
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