Mini Happy Adventures - Cathedral Grove, Vancouver Island

October 27, 2018  •  2 Comments

In October, Bruno (the Mini), Arden Gene (my husband), and I headed to the west coast of Vancouver Island, BC. We had perfect weather and created many wonderful memories. One of the stops along the way was at Cathedral Grove. It is a magical place located in MacMillan Provincial Park. For more information just click here.

I hope you enjoy the images. If you get a chance to visit that area, stop, it is well worth the time.

Sign explaining the trail at Cathedral GroveSign at the entrance of Cathedral Grove

Entering Cathedral GrovePart of the TrailThe sun made everything glow in the forest. Stunning.

The floor of the forest is covered with fernsCarpet of FernsThe floor of the forest was covered with ferns. They were so luscious and green.

Fallen logs are covered with mossMoss Covered LogEverywhere you looked there were delicate mosses and seedlings.

Trees have fallen across the trail over the years and have cut so people can still walk the trail.Parting Through the Fallen TreesSome of the trees toppled over across the trail during big storms but park workers cut them so the path is still free.

The trees are so dense the sunlight can barely be seen on the trailSunlight Shining through the TreesAlthough the forest is quite dense, the sunlight still manages to filter through the branches. The hanging moss glows in the sunlight hanging from many of the branches Hanging Moss Glowing in the SunlightWhen the sunlight illuminates the hanging moss it truly is magical.

The ancient trees are home to bumps of moss which cling to the trunksSmall Lumps of Moss Cling to the Tree TrunksThe trunks of trees provide a home for mosses and lichen.

A canopy of golden leaves above our headsGlowing Embers of Fall The deciduous trees were turning colour when we were there and as the sun hit those yellow and brown leaves nature revealed brilliant hues.

Reaching for the sky solidly stands the tallest tree in Cathedral GroveThe Largest Tree in the ForestIt's difficult to judge how huge these ancient trees are without something to show scale. They look like they touch the sky.

The tallest tree in Cathedral Grove is 800 years oldThe Big TreeWhen you see this sign next to "The Big Tree" it helps you understand how grand these ancient inhabitants of the forest are.

The sun illuminates the tops of the treesWhat History this Ancient Tree has WitnessedI felt incredibly small next to these giants.

The light was magical in Cathedral GroveTime to Depart Cathedral GroveAll too soon it was time to leave and head toward the coast.


Stacey Le Jeune
Your photos remind me of the way I look at things, as I see with my eyes, then I dive in and truly look and see, things very deeply. I look at the details. When I look at these I see YOU and when I see you, I see me.
Michelle knockwood(non-registered)
I wanted to touch and hug these trees, I felt closed to nature. Thank you. PS Beauty in Canada
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